Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Graeme Sawyer holds a 40 cm long cane toad near Darwin, Australia.

Associated Press

DARWIN, Australia -- An environmental group said Tuesday it had captured a "monster" toad the size of a small dog.

With a body the size of a football and weighing nearly 2 pounds, the toad is among the largest specimens ever captured in Australia, according to Frogwatch coordinator Graeme Sawyer.

"It's huge, to put it mildly," he said. "The biggest toads are usually females but this one was a rampant male ... I would hate to meet his big sister."

Friday, March 23, 2007

The New Record


I`ll just make this short and sweet. Last night I pulled out 2 teeth. To make it even better I pulled out 2 teeth this morning. My 2 molars fell down the drain. So now I only have my 2 eye teeth. I am the fam's toothless wonder.
Bye, Joe out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Family Business

HI THERE !!!!!!!!!!

It is your new friendly blogger Josiah!
If you come to our house & give us 10 dollars and and a plain t-shirt we will create a cool shirt for you!

In-till next time,
Cheerio!!! Josiah out!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

First Post

On my blog I will have new jokes every week. Here's this week's jokes:

Q What is a cat's favorite cereal?
A Mice Krispies.

Q What do an elephant and a tree have in common?
A They both have trunks.

Q What do you call a fly that lives at McDonald's?
A A French Fly.

Bobby: I can't figure out this math problem.
Teacher: Really? Any 5-year-old should get it.
Bobby: No wonder. I'm 9.

Ha, ha, ha, ha!